Impact Investing & ESG
A New Multibillion-Dollar Investment Revolution is Being Led by This Woman
Jean Case, the wife of AOL founder Steve Case, is a leading advocator for impact investing in the United States.
The Giant Market Opportunity Investors Are Overlooking
What if I told you that one of the largest megatrends in the world today—representing a market opportunity worth trillions of dollars — is being overlooked by investors?
Here’s the Fastest Growing Strategy in Smart Beta
Quantitative fund managers are being swept into the explosion of investor interest in strategies tied to environmental, social, and governance factors.
Wealth Managers Expect ESG Strategies to Flourish
Two thirds of professional investors expect to allocate more money to ESG strategies in the next three years.
How to Use ESG to Protect Investors from Downside Risk
ESG should be core part of investment philosophy rather than application of external ratings.
Rise and Rise of the Socially-Conscious Investor
There is rising evidence that allocating a part of one’s investments using strategies that incorporate ESG can have numerous benefits.
How to Meet Client Demand for Impact Investing
Advisors have an important role to play in translating a client’s preference for impact into practical strategies.
United States & Europe
Rising Oil Prices, Once a Big Negative, May Now be ‘A Wash’ for the US Economy
The rise of the United States to become the world’s second-largest oil producer has changed the calculus for how rising energy prices affect the economy.
Developing Economies
Gains in Financial Inclusion, Gains for a Sustainable World
Financial inclusion has emerged as a critical development challenge and is a hot topic among policymakers, development practitioners and the private sector.
How Africa is Building a $3 Trillion Free-Trade Future
While the U.S. and China are trying to outdo each other with import tariffs and the U.K. wants to break away from the European Union, African leaders are working on a free-trade agreement that will cover a whole continent.
Nigeria is Leading on Pan-African Free Trade Despite Not Even Signing Up to the Deal, Bank Chief Says
The African Union is proposing a continent-wide trading bloc that would result in the largest free trade area in terms of participating countries since the formation of the World Trade Organization.
‘Population Bonus’ Pushes Up Asian Growth
New free trade deals and intra-regional demand help maintain economic boom
Brazil Calls for Japan-South America Economic Partnership
Foreign minister suggests launching talks at November G-20 in Argentina.