Impact Investing & ESG
Impact Investing
The kickoff event explored the six “Grand Challenges” for impact investing in six concurrent breakout sessions.
The Index includes data from 128 countries on 50 social and environmental indicators which measure social progress by a country’s performance on Basic Human Needs, Foundations of Wellbeing, and Opportunity.
State of the Small & Growing Business Sector 2016
This annual ANDE report contains the data on capacity development and direct investments into SGBs, and explores trands and activities in ANDE’s six most established chapters: Brazil, Central America/Mexico, East Africa, India, South Africa, and West Africa.
Readying an ‘Impact IPO’ on the London Stock Exchange
The Impact Investment Trust, will be one of few emerging market impact investing opportunities available to individual small investors, and seeks to raise $150 million generating 8% returns.
Sustainability Minded Indexers Get More Choices
As sustainable investing has joined the mainstream, more actively and passively managed mutual funds have been launched.
In this article, Investopedia provides an overview of the 3500-year history of impact investing, from its origins in Jewish law to principles and regulations implemented today. READ MORE…
Helping Investors Understand the Importance of ESG
This interview with Suzanne Fallender and Irving Gomez from Intel Corporation explores how the company has brought together sustainability and investor relations, and why this is important.
United States and Europe
Stocks Buoyed by Tech Rebound; Dudley Remarks Lift Treasury Yields
The tech sector is up 1.7 percent, pushing world stock markets up.
Emerging Markets
Emerging Markets: What Has Changed
This article summarizes changes in emerging markets ratings, and notes significant events which will affect the investing climate.
Banking the Unbanked in Emerging Markets
While 93% of the US population has access to banking, an estimated 2 billion adults do not. To address this, fintech startups are offering both online and mobile solutions, such as Oymoney and dLocal.
Experts Suggest Steps to Nigeria’s Sustainable Growth
Nigeria must promote the role of the private sector and handle the budget to help the nation move out of a recession.
Asia Firms’ Confidence at Three Year-High on Brighter Global Outlook-Thomson Reuters/INSEAD
A reading of over 50 indicators from the Thomson Reuters/INSEAD Asian Business Index shows a positive six-month outlook.