Weekly Impact Investment Market Update: April 27, 2018

Impact Investing & ESG

More Research Needed on Using ESG in Fixed-Income Investing – GPIF, World Bank

Further research and development about incorporating environmental, social and governance factors into fixed income is needed to increase ESG fixed-income investing, said a new report from Japan’s ¥162.8 trillion ($1.5 trillion) Government Pension Investment Fund and the World Bank Group.

Commentary: Impact Investing Goes Mainstream

Impact investing is coming of age. Earlier in this decade, this new style of investing raised the question of whether socially conscious investors could really do well while doing good. Today, while we are still early in the journey, we think the answer to the question is clearly yes.

This AI Tool Could Revolutionize Impact Investing

David Shrier left MIT after adopting the school’s mission and applying it to his artificial intelligence startup, Distilled Analytics. He’s hoping to disrupt impact measurement for companies and investors alike with the company’s new product, Distilled Impact.

Social and Sustainable Investing Gets a Boost from an Unlikely Source: Wall Street Activists

Several high-profile activists – including Cliff Robbins of Blue Harbour Group and Barry Rosenstein of Jana Partners – see environmental and social factors as profit plays.

Impact Investing Comes Into Its Own

In 2010, INSEAD’s Global Private Equity Initiative started to explore the nascent trend of responsible investing. In 2014, it published its first report on environmental, social and governance factors within the private equity context. Four years hence, the industry has evolved significantly.


United States & Europe

U.S. Economy Grew by 2.3% in First Quarter, Easing Slightly

The economy grew at an annual rate of 2.3 percent in the first quarter, the government reported Friday, offering a preliminary glance at how last year’s sweeping package of tax cuts is affecting consumers and businesses this year.

Developing Economies

The Best-Performing Emerging Market Readies a New Eurobond

Angola, whose Eurobonds have outperformed those of all its emerging-market peers this year, is readying a new dollar transaction to take advantage of higher oil prices and a new program with the International Monetary Fund.

Ethiopia is Now Africa’s Fastest Growing Economy

Ethiopia, Africa’s second most populated country, is forecast to be the fastest growing economy in Sub-Saharan Africa this year, according to new data from the IMF.

Chile, Argentina Investing Suddenly Looks Better

Exchange traded funds for Chile and Argentina are holding up, providing an investing escape while the U.S. stock market contracts.

Mexico Fully Expects to Reach a Consensus on NAFTA Trade Deal

Alongside the U.S. and Canada, Mexico is in the midst of eight-month-old talks to try to update the NAFTA deal — which is thought to underpin about $1.2 trillion in yearly trilateral trade.