Impact Investing & ESG
Ensuring that the Trillions Have Impact: New Global Minimum Standards for Credible Impact Investing
The International Finance Corp (IFC) set global minimum standards for credible impact investing today at the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group in Bali, Indonesia by releasing a draft of its Operating Principles for Impact Management.
Fix Boomers’ ESG Dilemma with Bonds
Older investors have the lion’s share of investible assets, but their age or need for current income could limit their interest in ESG equity investments
Millennials and Impact Investing: A Striking Pair for a Broadening Sector
Go to any social impact conference, and you will probably hear, “Soon, there will be no ‘impact’ investing. It will simply be investing.”
U.S. Institutional Investors Changing Views of ESG Investing
A global survey of institutional investors found more in the U.S. said ESG factors can be a source of alpha and risk mitigation, and more institutional investors overall said incorporating ESG factors into their investment approach is part of their fiduciary duty.
Three Ways Politicians can Turbo-Charge the Impact Revolution
Politicians and policymakers around the world are desperately seeking solutions to pressing challenges like improving access to quality healthcare, reducing carbon emissions and regenerating underserved communities. Impact investors share these same goals, and are developing a set of scalable financial tools that can help to achieve them.
First-of-its-Kind-Certification Introduced for SRI Investing
The College for Financial Planning has partnered with US SIF: The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment to introduce the first certification for sustainable, responsible and impact investing.
United States & Europe
A New Bioeconomy Strategy for a Sustainable Europe
Today the Commission has put forward an action plan to develop a sustainable and circular bioeconomy that serves Europe’s society, environment and economy.
Developing Economies
Investors Don’t Hold Enough Emerging Market Assets – UBS
The world’s largest wealth manager says investors are mistaken – despite current market angst – in not putting enough money into emerging economies, given long-term trends.
Singapore Joins Regional Monetary Tightening Rush
Inflation spurs central bank’s second move this year despite GDP slowdown.